Steps to Getting started.



    This app will be used to access your STATS SHEET where you can keep track of your progress, wins, loses and any actions.

    You will be sent a link to your very own stats sheet which will require a google account to access - you can quickly and easily set up a new google account here if you don't already have one.

    Find out more information about downloading Google Sheets here.


    This app will be used to TRACK YOUR FOOD INTAKE if you wish to go down this route.

    You can also link the data in this app to TrueCoach via the nutrition section of the TrueCoach App so I have visibility of daily calorie & macronutrient intake.

    If you would like me to have full visibility of your MFP diary then feel free to send me a friend invite to username: Hattielawrencept and ensure your diary sharing settings are set to “Friends only”

    Download the app from the App Store here

    Download the app on Google Play here


    This app will be used for:

    WORKOUTS: View your training session plans and keep track of your weights/reps/sets history in order to track your progress in the gym

    MESSAGES: Send me messages and updates (I ask that all communication between sessions is sent via this facility) and receive update messages from me

    ACCOUNT : Sync with your Myfitnesspal account; Upload progress pictures; access useful information & links; and provide information of equipment you have available if you are training remotely

    Find a short tutorial video of how to use the TrueCoach app here

    Download the app for iOS here

    Download the app for Android here

    You will receive an email invitation to be able to sign in to Truecoach.